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A Freebie for My Followers — A Halloween Thank You

I don’t feel like the Pied Piper of Hamelin—and after reading up on what he allegedly did, it’s probably just as well–but I have reached 250 followers over at my TpT store as of today, Wednesday, October 21st.  I love creating materials for educators who work with ELLs to help them succeed in school and give them the tools to follow their dreams, and am thrilled that so many people share my passion by following me.  To acknowledge my upcoming personal milestone, I would like to offer my followers, here and at my store, a Halloween freebie.

One reason I’m posting this so late today is because I was up until 2:30am working on this resource.  That’s somewhat later than my usual bedtime but the advantage of not being a classroom teacher is that I can stay up real late and do things like that!  Another reason this blog post is later than usual is because I got sidetracked by looking up the etymology of the word follow.  Did you know that the word originates in the Old High German word folgēn, became folgian in Old English, then folwen in Middle English and eventually the modern English word we have today?
Follow me for ideas and resources about teaching ELLs!  Source: Pixabay
There are numerous meanings of to follow but the definition that is most applicable to this post is that of to accompany.  I’d like to think that my readers are joining me as I explore trends in teaching ELLs, discover effective resources, and pass on new ideas about best practice in teaching this ever-increasing segment of the K-12 student population.

This Halloween freebie joins music and culture, which are a favorite resource and a favorite topic of mine to use when teaching.  As I was creating it, I listened to Saint-Saens’ Danse Macabre, which is one of my favorite pieces of classical music.

You can get my Halloween freebie here.  Grab it now because after October 31, 2015, it will no longer be a free resource.  After you download it, I’d love to hear what you think about it so if you like it, please leave a comment and rating at my store or at the end of this blog post. 
Halloween freebie available at The ESL Connection
Download my thank you freebie HERE!
Thank you very much and enjoy!

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