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Summer Vacation Time

As the school year in the U.S. winds down, it’s natural to be thinking about summer vacation and how you will enjoy sleeping in…

Summer vacation: A teacher
Source: Wikimedia Commons

dressing even more casually than usual…  going to the beach or lazing around a pool or in front of a TV…

Summer vacation: A teacher
A summer day at the beach; source: Pixabay

Oh, wait; I forgot: A teacher’s work is never done!  Many teachers enroll in professional development courses, work on curriculum projects for their districts, teach in summer programs, read up on new technology, and do other kinds of work to develop their skills as educators.

I’m no longer in the classroom teaching students but I remember taking a week or so right after the end of school to decompress and then jumping in to whatever I had planned for the summer, whether it was creating a new curriculum, taking courses that interested me, studying for an additional teaching license, or traveling and learning about a country or region I had to teach about in my classes.  For many years, I also was a member of the team of teachers who did language testing for newly-enrolled students to determine if they needed ESL support.

Summer vacation: A teacher
Source: The World Factbook

Then, at the end of summer, I reserved the last week before school resumed for myself, just to get in the right frame of mind and prepare myself mentally for going back to work.  I loved my summer vacations but when the end of the summer break came around, I was rejuvenated and looking forward to the new school year.

If you still have some weeks to go: The end is in sight!
If you have already finished teaching for the year: Happy Vacation!
And however you spend it: Enjoy the time away from your students in your classroom!

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