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How to Keep ELL Families Informed about School

Regardless of whether you’ve just finished your first quarter parent conferences or they are coming up soon, keeping families informed about how their children are doing is of paramount importance to students’ success in school.  I’ve written before about why I so enjoyed working with the parents of my English

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Need Resources about the Presidential Election? Here They Are!

Only five weeks left to the U.S. presidential election!  You might be saying hooray but when I was a classroom teacher working with ELLs, some of whom were immigrants from countries with very different political systems, I always enjoyed election season.  It offered so many great, real-life opportunities for teaching

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Education Around the World: Morocco

I think every teacher, especially ESL teachers, should spend some time working in a foreign country, although I don’t think it’s necessary to follow Ibn Battuta’s example and travel around the world for 29 years.  Teaching internationally offers many professional and personal benefits, not least of which is that the

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8 Benefits to Using Digital Resources

Do you teach in a 1:1 classroom?  Do you use Google Drive or Microsoft One products with your students?  Have you ever just wanted to try a digital resource to see if your students like learning that way or if it increases their engagement with your curriculum?  Or are you

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Return of the #ELLEdTech Twitter Chat!

The #ELLEdTech Twitter chat is back this Sunday, August 21st!  Please join co-host Laurah from Tools for Teachers by Laurah J and me at 7:00pm Eastern, 4:00pm Pacific time as we discuss Tools for Helping Teachers Learn More about Working with ELLs.  Details are below. Join us! Schedule and Questions

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Education Around the World: Sweden

Once upon a time, many years ago, I spent a year in Sweden as a high school exchange student.  Attending a school where all the instruction was in Swedish gave me valuable insights when I became an ESL teacher decades later because it was really easy for me to empathize

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The #ELLEdTech Twitter Chat Takes a Vacation in July

July is synonymous with “vacation” in the U.S. so Laurah and I have decided our monthly #ELLEdTech Twitter chats will also take a break.  There will not be a chat this month but we will return on the third Sunday in August.  I’ll post the topic and guidelines in advance

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