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Summer Reading: Book Recommendation #1

  I had to work during my summer college vacations but every summer I also made a point to read one Shakespeare play and one Russian novel.  This wasn’t a required assignment; I just enjoyed reading those particular forms of literature.  Looking back, I see that I was engaged in

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Monday Musings: Painting and Teaching

I’m not really a fan of Impressionism but this painting made an impression on me.  Of course I had art classes when I was in school (those were the days!) but I was never very good at it. The Dance Class by Degas; source: Wikimedia Commons Then, after I became

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Summer Vacation Time

As the school year in the U.S. winds down, it’s natural to be thinking about summer vacation and how you will enjoy sleeping in… Source: The World Factbook Then, at the end of summer, I reserved the last week before school resumed for myself, just to get in the right

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Monday Musings: On Encouragement

While it is true that students need to put effort into their work, they will do so far more readily when they receive positive feedback.  Providing positive encouragement is, nowadays, generally accepted to be good teaching practice. But when I was a graduate student learning about different approaches to teaching

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Monday Musings: On Motivation

I admire Abigail Adams, a woman ahead of her time in many ways.  What I know of her I learned mostly by watching The Adams Chronicles, a decades-old TV miniseries that was, at the time, riveting.  If I were still teaching in a classroom, I would make a banner of

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The Teachings of Kung Fu

I’ve been watching episodes of the 1970s TV show Kung Fu lately.  I remember watching the show as a kid but I had no idea then that I would someday live in China or that I would eventually become a teacher. Aside from the kung fu itself which, as a

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Monday Musings: The ESL “Profession”?

I was familiar with the first line of this famous quotation but not the second; indeed, I had never read the poem from which these lines come until yesterday.  I had no idea, either, what a Pierian spring was until I looked it up. It turns out that Pierian spring

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End of the Year?!?!

Moving from Massachusetts to Arizona has been an eye-opener in many ways!  Of course, the weather is different—while my former town was shoveling out from under eight feet of snow, I was walking around in T-shirts and sandals in Tucson.  It also takes a lot longer to get from one

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What’s Great about Teaching ELLs: Reason #3

The third reason why I enjoy teaching English Language Learners is because of the curriculum.  Or rather, the lack of one.  None of the places where I taught had an actual ESL curriculum and it was up to me to design all my courses and lessons myself. The first thing

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Monday Musings: Older is Better!

A lot of education reformers seem to think that a young teacher is better than an older one.  But as this quotation reminds us, an older teacher is a more experienced teacher and has lots to offer more novice colleagues. Certainly, when I was new to public school teaching, the

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What’s Great about Teaching ELLs: Reason #2

Coming from teaching adults at universities in Asia and businesspeople and older students who were in the U.S. on their own, dealing with the parents of my ELL students was a new experience for me when I first started teaching in a public school.  But it was truly a pleasure

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