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Rocks, Gems, Fossils, and ELLs

Kids are like rocks.  As the saying goes: A diamond in the rough.  With some kids, it’s easy to figure them out; they are extroverts and their personalities shine for everyone to see at first glance.  With other kids, though, including many ELLs, you have to dig beneath the surface

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Standardized Testing

Let me say this straight off: I am not a fan of standardized testing.  I don’t think it measures students’ learning effectively, I think it takes far too much time away from actual teaching, I think results are being used inappropriately, I think too many for-profit organizations are instigating the

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Retention and ELLs

As the calendar year comes to an end, marking more or less the mid-point of the academic year in the US, teachers have had plenty of time to evaluate how their students are doing.  Teachers may start to think about the next school year and start to look more closely

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The Key to Celebrating December Holidays in School

(This post has been updated for 2022.) December used to be very difficult for me. For many years, I fought the transition to the new year, was generally exhausted at the end of the year, and just wanted to hide. I described myself as a ‘cranky Jewish kid who felt

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The Importance of Home Language Surveys

To handle a language skillfully is to practice a kind of evocative sorcery. Charles Baudelaire Read more at: Federal law states that school districts must identify children who need support because English is not their first language.  To meet this requirement, home language surveys are administered when families register

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Some Thoughts about a Behavior Program for Classroom Management

This week, The New York Times published an article about Class Dojo, the popular online behavior management program. The article profiled teachers who find the program very useful and described the ways they used it.  The article also included comments from parents who felt the program impinged on their children’s

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Welcome to The ESL Connection!

(Update: The name of this blog was changed to The ESL Nexus a few years after this post was published.) Welcome to The ESL Connection!  I started this blog because I am interested in educational policy and how it affects English Language Learners (ELLs).  I plan to write about current

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