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The #ELLEdTech Twitter Chat Takes a Vacation in July

July is synonymous with “vacation” in the U.S. so Laurah and I have decided our monthly #ELLEdTech Twitter chats will also take a break.  There will not be a chat this month but we will return on the third Sunday in August.  I’ll post the topic and guidelines in advance so please check back about a week ahead of time.  If you’ve missed any of our previous chats, you can catch up with them here!

The #ELLEdTech Twitter chat is going on vacation in July but returns in August; in the meantime, click on the links in this short blog post to read our previous chats & find out how to use Twitter for PD purposes.
See you in August!

Also, this article gives an excellent overview of how and why
teachers can use Twitter for their professional development.  Check it out and let me know in the Comments below which ways are new that you’d like to try.

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